Saturday, February 22nd and March 1st.
Great location in Langley City. Registration deadline February 13th, 2025.
Click on above link for details and contact information.
Physical Activity Disclaimer/Waiver
Participation in any training offered by GYS is considered voluntary by the Student, and the Student assumes all risk by participating. GYS will require that all Students complete and sign a waiver form confirming their health and clearance by their health care provider/s to participate in any program offered by GYS. This may include a Par-Q and/or other waiver format. It remains the Student’s sole responsibility to advise GYS if any health concerns arise during training. Each Student is considered to have read, understood and to have signed the waivers/Par-Q, whether they completed and submitted one or not. At all times GYS is held harmless in the event of injury or other condition incurred as a result of the Student’s participation in perpetuity.
COVID-19 - Now and into the Future
At all times GYS will follow the guidelines as outlined for in-person participation in training programs and/or yoga classes as outlined by:
Provincial Health Authority—Fraser Health
WorkSafe BC Returning to Safe Operation
Yoga Alliance’s Re-Opening & Recovering: Best Practices for Yoga Schools, Businesses, and Professionals
BCRPA’s Recreation and Parks Sector Guideline for Restarting Operations
And any other guidelines and protocols that may come into effect to ensure the health, safety and comfort of our students and faculty.
GYS & Faculty
GYS refers to Grove Yoga School, its owner, employees, independent contractors, trainers, faculty, associates, agents, or any other persons engaged to provide training or otherwise representing Grove Yoga School. GYS is an RYS®/Registered Yoga School as approved by Yoga Alliance. Our lead trainers are qualified instructors and meet the credentialing requirements as per the specific course offered, and recognized by YA, BCRPA or CFES.
Yoga Associations
Yoga Alliance (YA) is the registering body under which GYS operates when providing Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT®) training programs (RYT® 200 or RYT® 300) or YA workshops. Upon successful completion of a YA program and once the Student has received their GYS Certificate of Completion it is their sole responsibility (option) to register with Yoga Alliance, pay the applicable fees and complete any CEC requirements to maintain RYT® registration. GYS also offers specialty workshops and the Yoga Fitness Module as members of British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) and Canadian Fitness Education Services (CFES). Upon successful completion of a BCRPA/CFES program and once the Student has received their GYS Certificate of Completion, it is their sole responsibility to update their membership/registration, pay the applicable fees and complete any CEC requirements to retain their yoga teacher credential. CECs (Continuing Education Credits) are based on training hours as stipulated by the governing body. Staying current with CEC and membership requirements is the Student’s sole responsibility.
Classroom/Program Hours
Defined as training in the presence of a qualified GYS instructor or as an online video program as otherwise approved as classroom hours by either YA, BCRPA or CFES. All pre-scheduled training unless otherwise agreed is offered in a group setting creating a supportive, collaborative environment for learning and participation. Pre-scheduled class times are as outlined on the program's contract between GYS and the Student. The self-study time the Student chooses to undertake is at their discretion. It remains the sole responsibility of the Student to complete the contracted training during the course duration or follow guidelines for extensions or make-up sessions. (See policy pages).
Wide Ethical Commitment
All students and trainers, faculty, etc. must abide by their respective yoga associations prevailing Code of Ethics, Scope of Practice, Equity in Yoga, Code of Conduct, etc. either in part or as a whole.
Contract/Agreement (Written or Oral)
A contract (verbal or written) is created between the Student and GYS upon enrollment and will be binding as to program parameters, course duration, requirements, policies, schedules, fees, etc. pertaining to the course. Any subsequent documentation, email, etc. that may modify the agreement, forms part of the contract and is binding upon the Student and GYS.
Course Duration
The specified period of time that the training program is offered, from start to finish defines the course duration. This includes all the program requirements and the pre-scheduled training classes made available to the Student, whether or not attended. The start date is defined as the first day of the pre-scheduled training. The finish date may change based on a mutual agreement between GYS and the Students, however, will not be sooner than the hour requirements to meet the program hourly requirement as determined by the governing body for a specific program.
Registration Deadline
The registration deadline is typically 30 days prior to the start date. Individual programs may be given specific registration dates. GYS reserves the right to cancel the program in the event the number of registrations does not meet the minimum set for presenting the program.
Liability Insurance/Business Fees
It is recommended that any individual offering training, regardless of their yoga association affiliation, secure appropriate liability insurance. GYS can provide suggestions, but this is the sole responsibility of the Student. Students should make themselves aware of, and follow any requirements for tax purposes, licensing, etc. Students should also contact the licensing departments of communities in which they teach to ensure proper licensing has been secured.
Each yoga teacher trainee is required to bring to each class the training materials provided plus their personal yoga mat, two yoga blocks (hard), one foam block, one 10’ yoga strap. GYS will have some props available for purchase. At this time, following COVID-19 guidelines regarding cleanliness and sharing, GYS will not be providing any for class use. For more about the benefits of props consider our props workshop.